Stakeholder Engagement in Research

This learning showcase presents an overview of the state of the art methodology used by marine scientists at IPMA, the Portuguese Sea and Atmosphere Institute, I. P., to involve stakeholders in sea-related research.

Stakeholder involvement at all stages of the research, from agenda setting to follow-up helps ensure that the IPMA research programme responds to relevant and important issues, that it deliver services products that are accessible and user-friendly, and that ultimately the most effective implementation action are set in place.

This review is intended to identify promising approaches that have learning potential for Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). Based on this specific IPMA research case, on fishery system benchmarking, I describe the interaction methods used for meaningful stakeholder engagement, as well as the practical issues, challenges and opportunities of this research participatory model.

I wrote this learning showcase as an learning resource for the RRI Tools project, and it is now accessible as a part of the RRI TOOLKIT.

Get the learning showcase here:

Stakeholder engagement in research 

All content in this site is copyright  © Carlos Catalao

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